Privacy Policy


At, we are firmly committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.
This Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) covers your access to and use of this website,
This privacy policy explains when people who visit our website or use our services and why, and how we collect and use personal information, we can show others the conditions of your personal information and how to ensure the security of personal information.
We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time. By using our website or our services, you agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy.

What information do we collect? collects the email addresses of those who communicate with us via email. Information provided by the user and information related to your use of the website as well as any other information that you may voluntarily provide. We may also collect your email address if you decide to participate in one of our campaigns.
We do not knowingly collect information from children under the age of 18. It is forbidden to use the website for persons under the age of 18.

How do we use the information? uses the information collected for the following purposes:
To perform a service or take actions related to its performance, such as processing your subscription to our website, issuing personalized analytics or sending you information about changes to our terms or policies;
Where necessary for purposes that are in’s legitimate interests, such as providing the information or content you have requested, to contact you in connection with our programs, products, features or services, to improve our services and for internal business purpose, to ensure the security of our site by trying to prevent unauthorized or malicious activities, to enforce compliance with our Terms of Use and other policies, to help other organizations (such as copyright holders) exercise their rights and to tailor content, advertisements and offers to you or for other purpose disclosed at the time of collection.
If you do not want to receive marketing information about our programs, products, features or services, you can opt out of marketing communications by clicking the unsubscribe button.
Where we are legally obliged to do so. We may also provide access to your personally identifiable information when required by law, to cooperate with police investigations or other legal procedures, to protect us against misuse or unauthorized use of our website, to limit our legal liability and to protect our rights, property or safety of website visitors or the public. In these cases, the information is provided only for this purpose.

How do we share your information?

We do not sell your personal data to other organizations for commercial purposes. We share your personal information only to provide you with products or services that you have requested, when we have your permission or in the following circumstances:

Where it is necessary to share information to investigate, prevent or take action regarding illegal activities, suspicious fraud, situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person, violations of the Terms and Conditions, available at or as required by law.
We may aggregate, anonymize and publish data only for statistical and research purposes. For example, we may compile and share information related to the popularity of certain products tracked by users. In any such situation, the information will not be traced to any person.
We take precautions to ensure the security of your personal information. We ensure that our website is protected by reasonable security measures provided by current technology and that all of our hosts and data servers are similarly protected by such security steps, including but not limited to firewalls.

Preservation of your personal information

We retain information for as long as it is necessary to provide the Services requested by you and others, subject to any legal obligation to continue to retain such information. Information associated with your email address will generally be retained until it is no longer necessary for us to provide the Services or until you ask us to delete it or until the email address is deleted, whichever occurs first. In addition, we may retain information from deleted email addresses to comply with the law, prevent fraud, resolve disputes, solve problems, assist in investigations, enforce the Terms of Use and take other actions permitted by law. The information we retain will be treated in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
If you are a resident of the European Economic Area, as well as if you are resident in any other country, you generally have the right to access, correct, download or delete your information, and to restrict and object to certain processing of your information. While some of these rights apply generally, certain rights apply only in certain limited circumstances.
You have the right to access your personal data and, if necessary, to modify, delete or restrict it. In certain cases, you may have the right to the portability of your data. Please contact to fulfill any requests relating to the rights of data subjects.

You can also ask us not to send you marketing communications and not to use your personal data when we perform profiling for direct marketing purposes. You can opt out of receiving email newsletters and other marketing communications by following the opt-out instructions provided in those emails.
If you would like to express a concern about our use of your information (and without prejudice to any other rights you may have), please contact us at our answer is not satisfactory, you have the right to address a matter to the local supervisory authority, depending on where you are located.


Any questions about this privacy policy or our use of your personal information should be addressed to

Date of entry into force: 17 April 2023.