The currency of the week under 20 million market cap - Lunr Token

The currency of the week under 20 million market cap - Lunr Token

The currency of the week is Lunr Token and it comes from the area below 20 million market cap, according to evaluations, it obtained a score of 5.99 and an Average rating, which indicates that for this market cap it has good prospects for evolution because the platform is useful for the crypto space.

LunarCrush collects social and market activity for thousands of cryptocurrencies and distills it into actionable intelligence.

Is LunarCrush worth it?
It provides detailed analytical data to help traders make logical trade decisions. Its social analytics tools are among the best in the crypto world. It has some unique metrics for better analysis. It provides rewards for interacting with the platform in the form of points that you can convert to tradeable LUNR tokens.


The currency of the week under 20 million market cap – colaboration with chatGPT

On April 28, Lunr Crush announced that it is implementing LunrGPT, the pioneering AI bot that combines ChatGPT and LunarCrush data into cryptocurrencies, NFTs and stocks.
One can delve into insightful conversations, live market data, sentiment analysis and personalized recommendations. Lunr Crush is trying to change the financial world with the help of artificial intelligence, which can lead to an ascent of their native token.

Crypto assets have revolutionized the way think about money, finance, and social cohesion, offering an alternative to traditional systems that is decentralized, secure, and transparent.

As with any tokenized asset, the economics of the asset play a crucial role in its success or failure.

At LunarCrush, are constantly is perfected this system in an attempt to shepherd alignment towards the intended mission of creatingtransparen cy for investors. In this summary of changes to Lunr’s economics and distribution, is explored the latest updates and developments that are taking place in this exciting and dynamic ecosystem.

Lunr’s goal with updates is to:
Reward loyal community members focused on the longevity of the protoco; Create a streamlined, transparent mechanism for on-chain signaling and loyalty rewards for power
The mission of Lunr , remains the same, to build a community, and foster an industry which sparks innovation and moves us all forward.


by team  //Posted: 28.04.2023