LOGO fundamental-analysis-of-the-radiant-capital-cryptocurrency
Radiant Capital



Exchange Debut


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Maxim Supply


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LOGO fundamental-analysis-of-the-radiant-capital-cryptocurrency

Radiant Capital




Market Cap


Exchange Debut


Volume 24h

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Maxim supply

Circulating supply

Circulating supply(%)


The opinion of artificial intelligence (AI), based on the fundamental analysis of the Radiant Capital cryptocurrency:

Radiant Capital is a promising DeFi project aiming to consolidate fragmented liquidity across multiple lending protocols and chains. This fundamental analysis of the Radiant Capital cryptocurrency yields a moderate score of 5.83 out of 10. It positions itself as an omnichain money market, enabling users to deposit and borrow major assets across numerous chains. However, despite the high-value proposition, the project needs to enhance its team experience and social activities for a more balanced growth.

SOCIAL & MASS MEDIA: Score 6.1 out of 10

The project has demonstrated a good ability to attract followers on social media, scoring a perfect 10. However, the overall social and media score is brought down by the relatively low activity of social media administrators and community activity on social media pages, scoring a 5 and 6 respectively. Furthermore, the size of the community on chat groups could be improved, scoring just 4.5.

AUDIT & SECURITY: Score 7.38 out of 10

In the aspect of audit and security, Radiant Capital shows a better performance. This fundamental analysis  shows a healthy transparency score and impressive liquidity on exchanges. However, the audit results could be improved to instill more confidence.

TOKENOMICS: Score 4.85 out of 10

The token economy of the project could use some improvement. The project’s monetary mass is rather centralized, scoring only a 4, and the inflation per year also requires attention.

ECOSYSTEM DEVELOPMENT: Score 6.9 out of 10

Radiant Capital shows steady progress in ecosystem development. It’s important to maintain this progress and potentially accelerate the achievement of objectives and bring new developments to the project for a better fundamental analysis of the Radiant Capital cryptocurrency score in the future.

TEAM & DEVELOPERS: Score 1.2 out of 10

The low score in this category is a significant concern. The experience of the team and the number of software developers are low, indicating the need for an experienced and larger team to steer the project towards success.

PRODUCT & UTILITY: Score 6 out of 10

The utility of the product and tokens within the ecosystem is fair but could be improved. As the product becomes more mature, its utility should increase, enhancing the fundamental analysis of the Radiant Capital cryptocurrency score.

PARTNERS & INVESTORS: Score 7.5 out of 10

This category shows a strong performance, especially with the quality of partners involved in the project. However, the number and capacity of investors could be enhanced for a better score.

Fundamental analysis of the Radiant Capital cryptocurrency – The final conclusion

Given the scores obtained from the fundamental analysis of the Radiant Capital cryptocurrency, there are both opportunities and risks associated with investing in this project. The project offers a unique value proposition, the consolidation of fragmented liquidity, and shows promise in ecosystem development and partnerships. However, there are significant risks mainly due to the inexperienced team, relatively low community engagement, and some concerns in the tokenomics. It’s essential for potential investors to weigh these factors carefully before investing. As always, it is recommended to do personal research beyond this analysis to make informed decisions.

Project Overview and Objective

Radiant, as a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), is envisioned to consolidate billions in fragmented liquidity across multiple lending protocols and chains. This aims to provide a unified, user-friendly, and capital-efficient cross-chain protocol, essentially acting as an omnichain money market. In this process, the fundamental analysis  reflects its potential to streamline the DeFi ecosystem by eliminating silos of liquidity.

Cross-Chain Interoperability and DeFi 3.0

Radiant’s cross-chain interoperability is achieved through integrations with LayerZero and the Stargate stable router interface, allowing users to lend, borrow, bridge, and swap across multiple chains seamlessly. This functionality is a pivotal solution for DeFi’s pain points, further positioning Radiant at the forefront of the DeFi 3.0 evolution.

The Value of Dynamic Liquidity Provisioning

A significant differentiator for Radiant is its commitment to sustainable value creation through the Dynamic Liquidity Providers (dLP) mechanism and gated emissions. These emissions are limited to dLP providers, creating an incentive that encourages liquidity provision and fosters stability within the Radiant ecosystem. Moreover, dLP providers gain a share in the platform fees from blue-chip assets, strengthening the fundamental analysis.

In Summary

In essence, Radiant sets out to address DeFi 1.0 issues like transient liquidity, leveraging innovative solutions like Dynamic Liquidity Provisioning and gated emissions. The integrations with LayerZero and Stargate also facilitate cross-chain interoperability, offering users a unified platform for asset management across different chains. This positions Radiant as a promising solution in the DeFi space, reiterating the potential seen in the fundamental analysis of the Radiant Capital cryptocurrency.

Where Can You Buy Radiant Capital – RDNT?

RDNT can be purchased on cryptocurrency exchanges such as Binance,   Kucoin  and   Gate.io.

All you need to do is create a  free account on any of these exchanges and start trading.

fundamental-analysis-of-the-radiant capital-cryptocurrency

Radiant Capital - RDNT performance



Content description – Go to Metholodogy

Social & Mass Media In this section was taken into consideration the intensity of the activity of the social media page of the administrators , the speed of the community growth, the user interaction with the pages and as well the number of media appearances in the most important trade publications.

Audit & Security In particular, the team looks if the project is audited, how extensive the audit is,  at the bug bounty program, if it had incidents or not, at the liquidity on the exchanges and at the transparency of the information provided.

Tokenomics Under this criterion it is analyzed whether the project is inflationary or not, whether it has maximum supply, the percentage of supply released into the market at the time of the analysis, the rate of inflation per year, the distribution of supply in the portfolios as well as the vesting plan.

Ecosistem Development In this section is checked if the project has delivered on time what it proposed in the roadmap, the degree of participation in the project governance of the community, the activity and intensity of the developments published on github and what products or applications the team proposes to develop in the future.

Team & Developers It checks if the team is public, the quality of the team behind the project, the number of members on different domains, the experience in IT, finance and cryptography, the traceability of published information about team members and as well the number of developers in the project.

Product & Utility It checks if there are functional products, the number of users and the revenues generated by these products, the sustainability of the project and the usefulness offered in the cryptographic space and as well as in other fields of activity.

Partners & Investors It analyzes the partners and the degree of their involvement in the project, the capacity of investors and investment funds that can contribute substantially to the development of the ecosystem.

Go to Methodology

Content description

Social & Mass Media In this section was taken into consideration the intensity of the activity of the social media page of the administrators , the speed of the community growth, the user interaction with the pages and as well the number of media appearances in the most important trade publications.

Audit & Security In particular, the team looks if the project is audited, how extensive the audit is,  at the bug bounty program, if it had incidents or not, at the liquidity on the exchanges and at the transparency of the information provided.

Tokenomics Under this criterion it is analyzed whether the project is inflationary or not, whether it has maximum supply, the percentage of supply released into the market at the time of the analysis, the rate of inflation per year, the distribution of supply in the portfolios as well as the vesting plan.

Ecosistem Development In this section is checked if the project has delivered on time what it proposed in the roadmap, the degree of participation in the project governance of the community, the activity and intensity of the developments published on github and what products or applications the team proposes to develop in the future.

Team & Developers It checks if the team is public, the quality of the team behind the project, the number of members on different domains, the experience in IT, finance and cryptography, the traceability of published information about team members and as well the number of developers in the project.

Product & Utility It checks if there are functional products, the number of users and the revenues generated by these products, the sustainability of the project and the usefulness offered in the cryptographic space and as well as in other fields of activity.

Partners & Investors It analyzes the partners and the degree of their involvement in the project, the capacity of investors and investment funds that can contribute substantially to the development of the ecosystem.

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