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The opinion of artificial intelligence (AI), based on the fundamental analysis of the Telcoin-TEL cryptocurrency:


Telcoin (TEL) is a decentralized financial platform leveraging the blockchain to provide fast, affordable financial products accessible via mobile phones. Emphasizing user ownership, Telcoin’s ecosystem aligns market participants’ incentives, including telecoms and users, towards a common goal. The fundamental analysis of the Telcoin – TEL cryptocurrency reveals a composite score of 5.47 out of 10, reflecting varied performance across different analytical criteria.

SOCIAL & MASS MEDIA: Score 6 out of 10

The Telcoin project demonstrates moderate engagement in the realm of social and mass media. Despite a strong community activity on social platforms, earning a perfect score of 10 out of 10, the project struggles with attracting followers and maintaining active social media administration, both scoring below average. This mixed performance indicates potential areas for improvement in increasing its online presence and engagement.

AUDIT & SECURITY: Score 4.4 out of 10

In terms of audit and security, Telcoin scores 4.4 out of 10. The project shows a decent level of transparency (7 out of 10) and fair liquidity on exchanges (6 out of 10). However, the audit results are less than satisfactory, indicating potential vulnerabilities or areas needing improvement in ensuring the security and trustworthiness of the platform.

TOKENOMICS: Score 6.75 out of 10

The token economy of Telcoin shows a balanced score of 6.75 out of 10. The project’s inflationary aspect is well-handled, scoring an impressive 8 out of 10. However, concerns about the centralization of the monetary mass, with a score of 5 out of 10, suggest a need for a more distributed control and ownership of the token supply.

ECOSYSTEM DEVELOPMENT: Score 3.7 out of 10

Ecosystem development is an area where Telcoin could significantly improve, as evidenced by its score of 3.7 out of 10. Objectives achievement and future development plans are both areas that require more focus and better execution to enhance the project’s growth and innovation.

TEAM & DEVELOPERS: Score 6.8 out of 10

The team behind Telcoin scores a solid 6.8 out of 10, reflecting their competent experience and reasonable number of software developers. This suggests a capable team, albeit one that might benefit from expansion or deeper expertise in certain areas.

PRODUCT & UTILITY: Score 5.7 out of 10

Product and utility evaluation yields a score of 5.7 out of 10. While the utility of the product is recognized (7.5 out of 10), the actual utilization of tokens within the ecosystem appears to be limited, as indicated by a lower score of 3 out of 10. Enhancing token utility could significantly improve this aspect.

PARTNERS & INVESTORS: Score 5.6 out of 10

In the realm of partners and investors, Telcoin achieves a score of 5.6 out of 10. The project has a reasonable number of investors and partners, indicating a foundational level of support and collaboration, but there’s room for growth in both quantity and quality.

Fundamental analysis of the Telcoin-TEL cryptocurrency – The final conclusion

The fundamental analysis of the Telcoin – TEL cryptocurrency, with an overall score of 5.47 out of 10, presents a mixed investment opportunity. While the project shows promise in its unique approach to decentralized finance and its solid team, areas like social media presence, security measures, ecosystem development, and token utility need significant improvement. Investors should weigh these factors, considering both the potential growth and the risks involved in this evolving digital finance landscape.

What is Telcoin?


Telcoin (TEL) is a cryptocurrency functioning as the main asset within the Telcoin decentralized financial platform. Established in Singapore in 2017, it aims to integrate blockchain technology with telecom services, offering users fast, affordable financial products. Telcoin is built on the Ethereum blockchain, making it an ERC-20 token, known for its security and reliability.

Telcoin’s Unique Proposition

What sets Telcoin apart is its focus on leveraging the telecom sector to distribute decentralized financial services. With over 5 billion telecom users worldwide, Telcoin sees a significant opportunity to provide these users with mobile-accessible financial products. Their platform aligns telecoms to offer services like remittances and digital asset exchanges, surpassing traditional banking services in terms of accessibility and cost.

Telcoin’s Products and Regulation

The platform’s key offerings include Telcoin Remittances and TELxchange. Telcoin Remittances focus on low-cost, high-speed money transfers, while TELxchange is a decentralized digital asset exchange. Regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore and active in various global markets, Telcoin adheres to strict financial standards.

Founders and Development

Founded by Paul Neuner, a telecom and cybersecurity expert, Telcoin has evolved by integrating telecom and blockchain. Its recent Version 3 release has further expanded its service offerings. The company has offices in multiple global locations and is a member of the GSMA.

Telcoin Tokenomics

Initially, 25% of TEL tokens were distributed via crowdsale, with a fixed maximum of 100 billion TEL tokens. As of now, about 50% of these tokens are in circulation.

Fundamental Analysis of the Telcoin-TEL Cryptocurrency

Fundamental analysis of Telcoin involves understanding its unique market positioning through telecom partnerships and its robust technological foundation on the Ethereum blockchain. Its regulatory compliance and diverse service offerings position TEL as a promising cryptocurrency in the evolving world of decentralized finance.

Fundamental analysis of the Telcoin-TEL cryptocurrency

Telcoin - TEL performance



Content description – Go to Metholodogy

Social & Mass Media In this section was taken into consideration the intensity of the activity of the social media page of the administrators , the speed of the community growth, the user interaction with the pages and as well the number of media appearances in the most important trade publications.

Audit & Security In particular, the team looks if the project is audited, how extensive the audit is,  at the bug bounty program, if it had incidents or not, at the liquidity on the exchanges and at the transparency of the information provided.

Tokenomics Under this criterion it is analyzed whether the project is inflationary or not, whether it has maximum supply, the percentage of supply released into the market at the time of the analysis, the rate of inflation per year, the distribution of supply in the portfolios as well as the vesting plan.

Ecosistem Development In this section is checked if the project has delivered on time what it proposed in the roadmap, the degree of participation in the project governance of the community, the activity and intensity of the developments published on github and what products or applications the team proposes to develop in the future.

Team & Developers It checks if the team is public, the quality of the team behind the project, the number of members on different domains, the experience in IT, finance and cryptography, the traceability of published information about team members and as well the number of developers in the project.

Product & Utility It checks if there are functional products, the number of users and the revenues generated by these products, the sustainability of the project and the usefulness offered in the cryptographic space and as well as in other fields of activity.

Partners & Investors It analyzes the partners and the degree of their involvement in the project, the capacity of investors and investment funds that can contribute substantially to the development of the ecosystem.

Go to Methodology

Content description

Social & Mass Media In this section was taken into consideration the intensity of the activity of the social media page of the administrators , the speed of the community growth, the user interaction with the pages and as well the number of media appearances in the most important trade publications.

Audit & Security In particular, the team looks if the project is audited, how extensive the audit is,  at the bug bounty program, if it had incidents or not, at the liquidity on the exchanges and at the transparency of the information provided.

Tokenomics Under this criterion it is analyzed whether the project is inflationary or not, whether it has maximum supply, the percentage of supply released into the market at the time of the analysis, the rate of inflation per year, the distribution of supply in the portfolios as well as the vesting plan.

Ecosistem Development In this section is checked if the project has delivered on time what it proposed in the roadmap, the degree of participation in the project governance of the community, the activity and intensity of the developments published on github and what products or applications the team proposes to develop in the future.

Team & Developers It checks if the team is public, the quality of the team behind the project, the number of members on different domains, the experience in IT, finance and cryptography, the traceability of published information about team members and as well the number of developers in the project.

Product & Utility It checks if there are functional products, the number of users and the revenues generated by these products, the sustainability of the project and the usefulness offered in the cryptographic space and as well as in other fields of activity.

Partners & Investors It analyzes the partners and the degree of their involvement in the project, the capacity of investors and investment funds that can contribute substantially to the development of the ecosystem.

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