Singularity NET


Price prediction and estimated value for years 2024, 2025, 2026

Price prediction and estimated value Singularity NET AGIX for year 2024

As we approach 2024, the anticipated year of Bitcoin’s halving, the Singularity NET AGIX is expected to gain traction. This is often the period that signals the beginning of a bull market, a phase of rising prices in the cryptocurrency world. Under a neutral scenario, the price prediction and estimated value Singularity NET AGIX stands at $0.38. If the market tends towards optimism, we could see a surge up to $0.42. However, if circumstances lead to a bearish market, the pessimistic scenario places AGIX at $0.32.

Price prediction and estimated value Singularity NET AGIX for year 2025

Moving forward to 2025, this is projected to be a year of flourishing for all projects, a peak phase in the bull market. Singularity NET AGIX is no exception. We expect a continued bullish trend for this cryptocurrency. The estimated value under a neutral scenario surges to a potential $1.57. An optimistic perspective could push AGIX further up to a remarkable $1.74. In contrast, a bearish market could see it dip to $1.32, even amid the overall bull market’s conditions.

Price prediction and estimated value Singularity NET AGIX for year 2026

Looking ahead to 2026, as is typical in the crypto market cycles, a slight retreat is expected across all projects. This pullback follows the fervent bull market of 2025. Despite this, Singularity NET AGIX is predicted to maintain a strong footing. The neutral scenario presents an estimated value of $1.15 for AGIX. A favorable market climate could boost the value to $1.28 in an optimistic scenario. Conversely, should the market sway towards pessimism, the price could fall to $0.97. It’s a testament to the resilience of AGIX, as it navigates the expected market retreat of 2026.

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Maxim price for the year - neutral scenario (USD)

Singularity NET AGIX

Price prediction neutral estimated value, singularity net AGIX

Maxim price for the year - optimistic scenario (USD)

Singularity NET AGIX

Price prediction optimistic estimated value, singularity net AGIX

Maxim price for the year - pessimistic scenario (USD)

Singularity NET AGIX

Price prediction pessimistic estimated value, singularity net AGIX