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The opinion of artificial intelligence (AI), based on the fundamental analysis of the Hedera cryptocurrency:


Hedera HBAR, a sustainable public and enterprise network that boasts of its decentralized applications, was analyzed in this detailed analysis. Designed as an advanced system to overcome the challenges faced by older blockchain technologies, it promises faster performance without the pitfalls of instability. Central to Hedera’s operation is its native cryptocurrency, HBAR, which functions as both a fuel and a means of securing the platform. Hedera HBAR cryptocurrency fundamental analysis reveals a promising score of 8.19 out of 10, setting the stage for a deeper dive into its attributes.

SOCIAL & MASS MEDIA: Score 8.7 out of 10
The Hedera HBAR project demonstrates strong engagement in the realm of social media and public relations. With a remarkable ability to draw followers to its social media pages and maintain a strong media presence, it suggests a vibrant community backing. However, there is a slight room for improvement in community activity and the proactive role of social media administrators.

AUDIT & SECURITY: Score 7.45 out of 10
Safety and transparency are essential in the crypto world. Hedera’s audit results suggest some areas for enhancement, but it shines in terms of its transparency and liquidity on exchanges. Investors can take comfort in its candidness and its currency’s accessibility.

TOKENOMICS: Score 6.45 out of 10
A closer examination of the project’s token economics indicates a well-thought-out inflationary model. Yet, there are concerns about the centralization of its monetary mass. This centralization could pose a challenge to the decentralized ethos of the project.

ECOSYSTEM DEVELOPMENT: Score 8.68 out of 10
With a clear roadmap and consistent achievements, the Hedera ecosystem is growing robustly. Their forward-looking approach, as reflected in their plans for new developments, showcases the project’s commitment to innovation.

TEAM & DEVELOPERS: Score 8.88 out of 10
One of the standout features of Hedera HBAR is its team. Their combined experience, especially in the crypto domain, is commendable. The number of software developers, though satisfactory, indicates potential room for expansion.

PRODUCT & UTILITY: Score 8.68 out of 10
Hedera’s offerings have found genuine utility in the decentralized space. The tokens, particularly, play a vital role within the ecosystem, contributing both to its functionality and its security.

PARTNERS & INVESTORS: Score 8.15 out of 10
A project’s backing often speaks volumes about its viability. Hedera boasts an impressive array of partners and investors, hinting at a solid foundation and faith in its future prospects.

Fundamental analysis of the Hedera cryptocurrency – The final conclusion

In the world of cryptocurrency, due diligence in the form of a thorough analysis is essential. Our fundamental analysis of the cryptocurrency Hedera HBAR uncovers a project that shines in multiple dimensions, from its team to its ecosystem development. However, like all investments, it’s not without its risks. The concerns surrounding its tokenomics and certain aspects of its social media engagement should be considered. But, juxtaposed against its strengths, especially the team’s expertise and the product’s real-world utility, Hedera HBAR presents itself as a cryptocurrency with significant potential for growth and investment. Prospective investors should weigh these factors and make an informed decision.

Ce este Hedera?


Hedera (HBAR): An Evolution in Decentralized Technology

Hedera, often recognized by its cryptocurrency, HBAR, stands out as a leading sustainable public network in the decentralized digital realm. Unlike traditional blockchain systems, which often suffer from slowness and inconsistency, Hedera paves the way for increased efficiency and stability. Built on a single distributed ledger known as Hashgraph, it was introduced to the world through an ICO in 2018 and its mainnet became accessible in 2019.

Caracteristici și funcționalități de pionierat

What grants Hedera its competitive edge? Primarily, it’s the HBAR token, the lifeblood of the network. This token not only empowers Hedera services, from smart contracts to file storage but also fortifies the network’s security. Remarkably, the Hedera system diverges from the age-old proof-of-work (PoW) consensus mechanism, embracing a proof-of-stake (PoS) model which elevates transaction verification efficiency, ensuring heightened security against cyber threats. The Hashgraph algorithm, together with a global enterprise governing body, underscores this ecosystem.

Notable Services and Governance

Hedera’s offerings, such as the Consensus Service (HCS) and Hedera Token Service (HTS), simplify consensus timestamping, token creation, and more. Furthermore, its focus on achieving stellar transaction speeds is evident, especially in areas of micropayments and data integrity. Unlike conventional platforms, Hedera utilizes the Gossip-about-Gossip protocol, innovated by Dr. Leemon Baird, the genius behind Hedera and its chief scientist. Alongside him, Mance Harmon, the CEO, brings extensive technological expertise to the table.

Unique Selling Points

Differentiating itself from other platforms, Hedera is not based on the usual blockchain, but uses the revolutionary Hashgraph technology. This results in faster transaction times, minimal costs and extensive scalability. Hedera’s claim to manage over 10,000 TPS is a testament to its prowess, eclipsing many proof-of-work (PoW) blockchains that average between 5-20 TPS.

In conclusion

When you do a fundamental analysis of the Hedera Infinity cryptocurrency, it is clear that Hedera Hashgraph’s new approach to decentralized technology offers promising potential in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Fundamental analysis of the hedera cryptocurrency

Hedera - HBAR performance



Content description – Go to Metholodogy

Social & Mass Media In this section was taken into consideration the intensity of the activity of the social media page of the administrators , the speed of the community growth, the user interaction with the pages and as well the number of media appearances in the most important trade publications.

Audit & Security In particular, the team looks if the project is audited, how extensive the audit is,  at the bug bounty program, if it had incidents or not, at the liquidity on the exchanges and at the transparency of the information provided.

Tokenomics Under this criterion it is analyzed whether the project is inflationary or not, whether it has maximum supply, the percentage of supply released into the market at the time of the analysis, the rate of inflation per year, the distribution of supply in the portfolios as well as the vesting plan.

Ecosistem Development In this section is checked if the project has delivered on time what it proposed in the roadmap, the degree of participation in the project governance of the community, the activity and intensity of the developments published on github and what products or applications the team proposes to develop in the future.

Team & Developers It checks if the team is public, the quality of the team behind the project, the number of members on different domains, the experience in IT, finance and cryptography, the traceability of published information about team members and as well the number of developers in the project.

Product & Utility It checks if there are functional products, the number of users and the revenues generated by these products, the sustainability of the project and the usefulness offered in the cryptographic space and as well as in other fields of activity.

Partners & Investors It analyzes the partners and the degree of their involvement in the project, the capacity of investors and investment funds that can contribute substantially to the development of the ecosystem.

Go to Methodology

Content description

Social & Mass Media In this section was taken into consideration the intensity of the activity of the social media page of the administrators , the speed of the community growth, the user interaction with the pages and as well the number of media appearances in the most important trade publications.

Audit & Security In particular, the team looks if the project is audited, how extensive the audit is,  at the bug bounty program, if it had incidents or not, at the liquidity on the exchanges and at the transparency of the information provided.

Tokenomics Under this criterion it is analyzed whether the project is inflationary or not, whether it has maximum supply, the percentage of supply released into the market at the time of the analysis, the rate of inflation per year, the distribution of supply in the portfolios as well as the vesting plan.

Ecosistem Development In this section is checked if the project has delivered on time what it proposed in the roadmap, the degree of participation in the project governance of the community, the activity and intensity of the developments published on github and what products or applications the team proposes to develop in the future.

Team & Developers It checks if the team is public, the quality of the team behind the project, the number of members on different domains, the experience in IT, finance and cryptography, the traceability of published information about team members and as well the number of developers in the project.

Product & Utility It checks if there are functional products, the number of users and the revenues generated by these products, the sustainability of the project and the usefulness offered in the cryptographic space and as well as in other fields of activity.

Partners & Investors It analyzes the partners and the degree of their involvement in the project, the capacity of investors and investment funds that can contribute substantially to the development of the ecosystem.

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